Source code for remu.plotting

"""Module for handling plotting functions

This module contains plotting classes to plot :class:`.Binning` objects.



    plt = plotting.get_plotter(binning)


from itertools import cycle

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker

from . import binning

[docs]def get_plotter(obj, *args, **kwargs): """Return a suitable plotting class instance for the object. Parameters ---------- obj : object The object for which a plotter should be returned. *args : optional **kwargs : optional Additional arguments are passed to the init method of the plotter. """ if isinstance(obj, binning.RectilinearBinning): return RectilinearBinningPlotter(obj, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, binning.LinearBinning): return LinearBinningPlotter(obj, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, binning.CartesianProductBinning): return CartesianProductBinningPlotter(obj, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, binning.Binning): return BinningPlotter(obj, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return ArrayPlotter(obj, *args, **kwargs) raise TypeError(f"No known Plotter class for type {type(obj)}")
[docs]class Plotter: """Plotting base class. Parameters ---------- figax : (Figure, Axes), optional The figure and axis to plot in. Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. """ def __init__(self, figax=None): self.figax = figax self.color = cycle("C%d" % (i,) for i in range(0, 10)) self.hatch = cycle([r"//", r"\\", r"O", "*"]) def __del__(self): """Clean up figures.""" if self.figax is not None and plt is not None: plt.close(self.figax[0])
[docs] def subplots(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the ``(Figure, Axes)`` tuple of the binning. Creates one using Matplotlib's ``subplots``, if necessary. """ if self.figax is None: self.figax = plt.subplots(*args, **kwargs) return self.figax
[docs] def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs): """Save the figure.""" kwargs2 = {"bbox_inches": "tight"} kwargs2.update(kwargs) self.figax[0].savefig(*args, **kwargs2)
[docs]class ArrayPlotter(Plotter): """Plotting class for numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray The ndarray to be plotted. bins_per_row : int, optional How many bins are going to be plotted per row. **kwargs : optional Addittional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`Plotter`. See also -------- Plotter Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. array : ndarray The ndarray to be plotted. bins_per_row : int, optional How many bins are going to be plotted per row. """ def __init__(self, array, bins_per_row=25, **kwargs): self.array = array self.bins_per_row = bins_per_row Plotter.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _get_array(self, array): if array is None: array = self.array else: array = np.asarray(array) if array.shape != self.array.shape: raise TypeError("Array must be of equal shape as the initial one.") return array def _get_arrays(self, arrays): try: ret = [self._get_array(a) for a in arrays] except (TypeError, IndexError): ret = [self._get_array(arrays)] return np.array(ret)
[docs] def get_bin_edges(self, i_min, i_max): """Get the bin edges corresponding to bins i_min to i_max.""" x = np.arange(i_min, i_max) return np.append(x - 0.5, x[-1] + 0.5) # Bins centred on integers
[docs] def get_axis_label(self): """Return the default label for the axis.""" return "Bin #"
@staticmethod def _get_stack_functions(stack_function): try: # A number? np.isfinite(stack_function) except TypeError: # Nope pass else: # A number. lobound = (1.0 - stack_function) / 2.0 hibound = 1.0 - lobound def lower(x, axis=0, bound=lobound): return np.quantile(x, bound, axis=axis) def upper(x, axis=0, bound=hibound): return np.quantile(x, bound, axis=axis) return lower, upper # No number try: # Tuple of functions? lower, upper = stack_function except TypeError: # Nope def lower(x, axis=0): return np.sum(np.zeros_like(x), axis=axis) upper = stack_function return lower, upper
[docs] def plot_array( self, array=None, density=False, stack_function=np.mean, margin_function=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot an array. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray The thing to plot. density : bool, optional Divide the data by the relative bin width: ``width / total_plot_range``. stack_function : float or function or (lower_function, function) How to deal with multiple arrays. When `float`, plot the respective quantile as equal-tailed interval. When `function`, apply this function to the stack after marginalisation. When `(function, function)`, use these functions to calculate lower and upper bounds of the area to be plotted respectively. Functions must accept ``axis`` keyword argument. """ # The `margin_function` parameter is only here so it can be # safely used with all plotting methods arrays = self._get_arrays(array) lower, upper = self._get_stack_functions(stack_function) bins_per_row = self.bins_per_row if bins_per_row >= 1: n_rows = int(np.ceil(arrays.shape[-1] / bins_per_row)) else: n_rows = 1 bins_per_row = arrays.shape[-1] figax = self.subplots( nrows=n_rows, sharey=True, figsize=(6.4, max(2.4 * n_rows, 4.8)), squeeze=False, ) color = kwargs.get("color", next(self.color)) hatch = kwargs.get("hatch", next(self.hatch)) for i, ax in enumerate(figax[1][:, 0]): i_min = i * bins_per_row i_max = min((i + 1) * bins_per_row, arrays.shape[-1]) y_hi = np.asfarray(upper(arrays[:, i_min:i_max], axis=0)) y_lo = np.asfarray(lower(arrays[:, i_min:i_max], axis=0)) bins = np.asfarray(self.get_bin_edges(i_min, i_max)) # Divide by relative bin widths if density: total_width = bins[-1] - bins[0] rel_widths = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) / total_width y_hi /= np.asfarray(rel_widths) y_lo /= np.asfarray(rel_widths) args = { "step": "post", "edgecolor": color, "hatch": hatch, "facecolor": "none", } args.update(kwargs) y_lo = np.append(y_lo, y_lo[-1]) y_hi = np.append(y_hi, y_hi[-1]) poly = ax.fill_between(bins, y_hi, y_lo, **args) # Add sticky y edge so histograms get plotted more beautifully poly.sticky_edges.y.append(np.min(y_lo)) ax.autoscale_view() ax.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_xlabel(self.get_axis_label())
[docs] def legend(self, **kwargs): """Draw a legend in the first axis.""" args = { "loc": "best", } args.update(kwargs) self.figax[1][0, 0].legend(**args)
[docs]class BinningPlotter(ArrayPlotter): """Plotting class for the simplest :class:`.Binning` class. Parameters ---------- binning : Binning The binning to be plotted. marginalize_subbinnings : bool, optional Plot the contents of subbinnings as a single bin. **kwargs : optional Addittional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`ArrayPlotter`. See also -------- ArrayPlotter .Binning Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. binning : Binning The binning defining what will be plotted. marginalize_subbinnings : bool Whether or not subbinnings will be marginalized before plotting. """ def __init__(self, binning, marginalize_subbinnings=False, **kwargs): self.binning = binning self.marginalize_subbinnings = marginalize_subbinnings array = self.binning.value_array if marginalize_subbinnings: array = self.binning.marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray(array) ArrayPlotter.__init__(self, array, **kwargs) def _get_array(self, array): if array is None: array = self.array else: array = np.asarray(array) # Marginalize subbinnings if necessary if self.marginalize_subbinnings and array.shape != self.array.shape: array = self.binning.marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray(array) if array.shape != self.array.shape: raise TypeError("Array must be of equal shape as the initial one.") return array def _get_binning(self, binning): if binning is None: binning = self.binning return binning
[docs] def plot_values(self, binning=None, **kwargs): """Plot the values of a Binning.""" binning = self._get_binning(binning) return self.plot_array(binning.value_array, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_entries(self, binning=None, **kwargs): """Plot the entries of a Binning.""" binning = self._get_binning(binning) return self.plot_array(binning.entries_array, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_sumw2(self, binning=None, **kwargs): """Plot the sumw2 of a Binning.""" binning = self._get_binning(binning) return self.plot_array(binning.sumw2_array, **kwargs)
[docs]class CartesianProductBinningPlotter(BinningPlotter): """Plotting class for :class:`.CartesianProductBinning` Parameters ---------- binning : CartesianProductBinning The binning to be plottet x_axis_binnings : list of int, optional The indices of binnings to be plotted on the x-axis. y_axis_binnings : list of int, optional The indices of binnings to be plotted on the y-axis. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`BinningPlotter`. Notes ----- This plotter does always marginalize the subbinnings. See also -------- BinningPlotter .CartesianProductBinning Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. binning : CartesianProductBinning The binning defining what will be plotted. marginalize_subbinnings : bool Whether or not subbinnings will be marginalized before plotting. x_axis_binnings : list of int The indices of binnings to be plotted on the x-axis. y_axis_binnings : list of int The indices of binnings to be plotted on the y-axis. """ def __init__(self, binning, x_axis_binnings=None, y_axis_binnings=None, **kwargs): if x_axis_binnings is None: x_axis_binnings = list(range(int(np.ceil(len(binning.binnings) / 2.0)))) self.x_axis_binnings = x_axis_binnings if y_axis_binnings is None: y_axis_binnings = list( range(int(np.ceil(len(binning.binnings) / 2.0)), len(binning.binnings)) ) self.y_axis_binnings = y_axis_binnings kwargs["marginalize_subbinnings"] = True kwargs["bins_per_row"] = -1 BinningPlotter.__init__(self, binning, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_bin_edges(self, i_min, i_max, j_binning): """Get the bin edges corresponding to bins i_min to i_max.""" x = np.arange(i_min, i_max) return np.append(x - 0.5, x[-1] + 0.5) # Bins centred on integers
[docs] def get_axis_label(self, j_binning): """Return the default label for the axis.""" return "Binning %d Bin #" % (j_binning,)
[docs] def plot_array( self, array=None, density=True, stack_function=np.mean, margin_function=np.sum, scatter=-1, **kwargs, ): """Plot an array. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray, optional The data to be plotted. density : bool or list of int, optional Divide the data by the relative bin width: ``width / total_plot_range``. Dividing by the relative bin width, rather than the bin width directly, ensures that the maximum values in all 1D projections are comparable. If a list of ints, only the bin widths in the respective binnings will be used for the division. stack_function : float or function or (lower_function, function) How to deal with multiple arrays. When `float`, plot the respective quantile as equal-tailed interval. When `function`, apply this function to the stack after marginalisation. When `(function, function)`, use these functions to calculate lower and upper bounds of the area to be plotted respectively. Functions must accept ``axis`` keyword argument. margin_function : function, optional The function used to marginalize the data. scatter : int, optional Use a pseudo scatter plot with `scatter` number of points instead of a 2D histogram. Allows to draw multiple sets of 2D data in the same plot. The number of points in each cell is proportional to the value being plotted. Using the `scatter` option is thus implicitly replicating the behaviour of the `density` option for the 2D plots. The `density` argument has no effect on the scatter plots. """ arrays = self._get_arrays(array) lower, upper = self._get_stack_functions(stack_function) shape = self.binning.bins_shape arrays = arrays.reshape(arrays.shape[:1] + shape) n_col = len(self.x_axis_binnings) + 1 # "+1" for the 1D projections n_row = len(self.y_axis_binnings) + 1 # Widths and heights according to number of bins, # 10 px (= 0.1") per bin widths = [ 0.1 * self.binning.binnings[i].data_size for i in self.x_axis_binnings ] heights = [ 0.1 * self.binning.binnings[i].data_size for i in self.y_axis_binnings ] # Axes are counted top to bottom, but we want binnings bottom to top heights.reverse() # Total figure size total_width = np.sum(widths) total_height = np.sum(heights) scale = 4.0 / min(max(total_width, total_height), 4.0) # Room for the 1D histograms if total_width == 0.0: widths.append(6 / scale) else: widths.append(1.5 / scale) if total_height == 0.0: heights.insert(0, 4 / scale) else: heights.insert(0, 1.5 / scale) # Update total sizes total_width = np.sum(widths) total_height = np.sum(heights) fig_x = total_width * scale fig_y = total_height * scale # Subplot spacing is specified as multiple of average axis size # We want it to be relative to the 1D projections wspace = 0.1 * widths[-1] / (total_width / len(widths)) hspace = 0.1 * heights[0] / (total_height / len(heights)) figax = self.subplots( nrows=n_row, ncols=n_col, sharex="col", sharey="row", figsize=(fig_x, fig_y), gridspec_kw={ "width_ratios": widths, "height_ratios": heights, "wspace": wspace, "hspace": hspace, }, squeeze=False, ) color = kwargs.get("color", next(self.color)) hatch = kwargs.get("hatch", next(self.hatch)) # 2D histograms for x, i in enumerate(self.x_axis_binnings): for y, j in enumerate(self.y_axis_binnings): # Get axis to plot in ax = figax[1][-y - 1, x] # rows are counted top to bottom # Project array axis = list(range(arrays.ndim - 1)) # -1 because of stack axis 0 for k in sorted((i, j), reverse=True): del axis[k] axis = tuple(x + 1 for x in axis) # +1 because of stack axis 0 data = np.asfarray(margin_function(arrays, axis=axis)) # 2D plots only show upper limit of stack data = upper(data, axis=0) # Flip axes if necessary if i < j: data = data.T # Bin edges x_edg = self.get_bin_edges(0, data.shape[1], i) y_edg = self.get_bin_edges(0, data.shape[0], j) # Plot the data if scatter >= 0: # Draw a set of random points and plot these # Get bin numbers csum = np.asfarray(data.cumsum()) csum /= np.max(csum) indices = np.digitize(np.random.uniform(size=scatter), csum) # Get x and y bin numbers x_indices = indices % data.shape[1] y_indices = indices // data.shape[1] # Throw X and Y for each event x = [] y = [] for ix, iy in zip(x_indices, y_indices): x_min = x_edg[ix] x_max = x_edg[ix + 1] y_min = y_edg[iy] y_max = y_edg[iy + 1] x.append(np.random.uniform(x_min, x_max)) y.append(np.random.uniform(y_min, y_max)) # Plot the points if data.sum() > 0: # Only actually draw something if we have some events ax.scatter(x, y, 1, color=color, marker=",") else: # Plot a regular 2D histogram # Bin centres x = np.convolve(x_edg, np.ones(2) / 2, mode="valid") y = np.convolve(y_edg, np.ones(2) / 2, mode="valid") xx = np.broadcast_to(x, (len(y), len(x))).flatten() yy = np.repeat(y, len(x)) # Deal with density in both directions explicitly try: divide = i in density except TypeError: divide = density if divide: data /= (x_edg[1:] - x_edg[:-1])[np.newaxis, :] data *= ( x_edg[-1] - x_edg[0] ) # Only divide by relative bin width try: divide = j in density except TypeError: divide = density if divide: data /= (y_edg[1:] - y_edg[:-1])[:, np.newaxis] data *= ( y_edg[-1] - y_edg[0] ) # Only divide by relative bin width # Plot it if data.sum() == 0: # Empty data messes with the normalisation data.fill(0.001) ax.hist2d( xx, yy, weights=data.flat, bins=(x_edg, y_edg), density=False ) # 1D vertical histograms for x, i in enumerate(self.x_axis_binnings): # Get axis to plot in ax = figax[1][0, x] # Project array axis = list(range(arrays.ndim - 1)) # -1 because of stack axis 0 del axis[i] axis = tuple(x + 1 for x in axis) # +1 because of stack axis 0 data = np.asfarray(margin_function(arrays, axis=axis)) # Upper and lower limit of area data_hi = upper(data, axis=0) data_lo = lower(data, axis=0) # Divide by relative bin widths bins = np.asfarray(self.get_bin_edges(0, data.shape[1], i)) try: divide = i in density except TypeError: divide = density if divide: total_width = bins[-1] - bins[0] rel_widths = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) / total_width data_hi /= rel_widths data_lo /= rel_widths # Plot the data args = { "step": "post", "edgecolor": color, "hatch": hatch, "facecolor": "none", } args.update(kwargs) data_lo = np.append(data_lo, data_lo[-1]) data_hi = np.append(data_hi, data_hi[-1]) poly = ax.fill_between(bins, data_hi, data_lo, **args) # Add sticky y edge so histograms get plotted more beautifully poly.sticky_edges.y.append(np.min(data_lo)) ax.autoscale_view() # Only int tick label ax.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) # Add labels at the appropriate axes ax = figax[1][-1, x] ax.set_xlabel(self.get_axis_label(i)) # 1D horizontal histograms for y, i in enumerate(self.y_axis_binnings): # Get axis to plot in ax = figax[1][-y - 1, -1] # Rows are counted top to bottom # Project array axis = list(range(arrays.ndim - 1)) # -1 because of stack axis 0 del axis[i] axis = tuple(x + 1 for x in axis) # +1 because of stack axis 0 data = np.asfarray(margin_function(arrays, axis=axis)) # Upper and lower limit of area data_hi = upper(data, axis=0) data_lo = lower(data, axis=0) # Divide by relative bin widths bins = np.asfarray(self.get_bin_edges(0, data.shape[1], i)) try: divide = i in density except TypeError: divide = density if divide: total_width = bins[-1] - bins[0] rel_widths = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) / total_width data_hi /= rel_widths data_lo /= rel_widths # Plot the data args = { "step": "post", "edgecolor": color, "hatch": hatch, "facecolor": "none", } args.update(kwargs) data_lo = np.append(data_lo, data_lo[-1]) data_hi = np.append(data_hi, data_hi[-1]) poly = ax.fill_betweenx(bins, data_hi, data_lo, **args) # Add sticky x edge so histograms get plotted more beautifully poly.sticky_edges.x.append(np.min(data_lo)) ax.autoscale_view() # Only int tick label ax.get_yaxis().set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) # Add labels at the appropriate axes ax = figax[1][-y - 1, 0] # Rows are counted top to bottom ax.set_ylabel(self.get_axis_label(i)) # Hide empty axes figax[1][0, -1].set_axis_off()
[docs] def legend(self, **kwargs): """Draw a legend in the upper right corner of the plot.""" handles, labels = self.figax[1][0, 0].get_legend_handles_labels() args = { "loc": "center", "borderaxespad": 0.0, "frameon": False, } args.update(kwargs) self.figax[1][0, -1].legend(handles, labels, **args)
[docs]class LinearBinningPlotter(BinningPlotter): """Plotting class for :class:`.LinearBinning` Parameters ---------- binning : LinearBinning The binning to be plottet **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`BinningPlotter`. Notes ----- This plotter does always marginalize the subbinnings. See also -------- BinningPlotter .LinearBinning Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. binning : LinearBinning The binning defining what will be plotted. marginalize_subbinnings : bool Whether or not subbinnings will be marginalized before plotting. """ def __init__(self, binning, **kwargs): kwargs["marginalize_subbinnings"] = True args = { "bins_per_row": -1, } args.update(kwargs) BinningPlotter.__init__(self, binning, **args)
[docs] def plot_array(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot an array. See :meth:`ArrayPlotter.plot_array`. """ # Change default behaviour of `density` kwargs["density"] = kwargs.get("density", True) return ArrayPlotter.plot_array(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_bin_edges(self, i_min, i_max): """Get the finite bin edges.""" bins = self.binning.bin_edges[i_min : i_max + 1] ret = list(bins) if not np.isfinite(ret[0]): if len(ret) >= 3 and np.isfinite(ret[2]): ret[0] = ret[1] - (ret[2] - ret[1]) elif np.isfinite(ret[1]): ret[0] = ret[1] - 1 else: ret[0] = -0.5 if not np.isfinite(ret[-1]): if len(ret) >= 3 and np.isfinite(ret[-3]): ret[-1] = ret[-2] + (ret[-2] - ret[-3]) else: ret[-1] = ret[-2] + 1 return np.array(ret)
[docs] def get_axis_label(self): """Return variable name.""" return self.binning.variable
[docs]class RectilinearBinningPlotter(CartesianProductBinningPlotter): """Plotting class for :class:`.RectilinearBinning` Parameters ---------- binning : RectilinearBinning The binning to be plottet x_axis_binnings : list of int/str, optional The indices of binnings to be plotted on the x-axis. y_axis_binnings : list of int/str, optional The indices of binnings to be plotted on the y-axis. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`CartesianProductBinningPlotter`. Notes ----- This plotter does always marginalize the subbinnings. See also -------- CartesianProductBinningPlotter .RectilinearBinning Attributes ---------- figax : (Figure, [[Axes, ...], ...]) The figure and axes that are used for the plotting. color : cycle of str Cycler that determines the color of plotting commands. hatch : cycle of str Cycler that determines the hatching style of plotting commands. binning : RectilinearBinning The binning defining what will be plotted. marginalize_subbinnings : bool Whether or not subbinnings will be marginalized before plotting. x_axis_binnings : list of int or str The indices or variable names of to be plotted on the x-axis. y_axis_binnings : list of int or str The indices or variable names to be plotted on the y-axis. """ def __init__(self, binning, x_axis_binnings=None, y_axis_binnings=None, **kwargs): if x_axis_binnings is None: x_axis_binnings = list(range(int(np.ceil(len(binning.binnings) / 2.0)))) else: x_axis_binnings = list(map(binning.get_variable_index, x_axis_binnings)) if y_axis_binnings is None: y_axis_binnings = list( range(int(np.ceil(len(binning.binnings) / 2.0)), len(binning.binnings)) ) else: y_axis_binnings = list(map(binning.get_variable_index, y_axis_binnings)) kwargs["x_axis_binnings"] = x_axis_binnings kwargs["y_axis_binnings"] = y_axis_binnings kwargs["marginalize_subbinnings"] = True kwargs["bins_per_row"] = -1 CartesianProductBinningPlotter.__init__(self, binning, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_bin_edges(self, i_min, i_max, j_binning): """Get the finite bin edges.""" bins = self.binning.binnings[j_binning].bin_edges[i_min : i_max + 1] ret = list(bins) if not np.isfinite(ret[0]): if len(ret) >= 3 and np.isfinite(ret[2]): ret[0] = ret[1] - (ret[2] - ret[1]) elif np.isfinite(ret[1]): ret[0] = ret[1] - 1 else: ret[0] = -0.5 if not np.isfinite(ret[-1]): if len(ret) >= 3 and np.isfinite(ret[-3]): ret[-1] = ret[-2] + (ret[-2] - ret[-3]) else: ret[-1] = ret[-2] + 1 return np.array(ret)
[docs] def get_axis_label(self, j_binning): """Return variable name.""" return self.binning.binnings[j_binning].variable