Source code for remu.binning

"""Binning/histogramming classes for scientific computing

YAML interface

All classes defined in `binning` can be stored as and read from YAML files
using the ``binning.yaml`` module::

    with open("filename.yml", 'w') as f:
        binning.yaml.dump(some_binning, f)

    with open("filename.yml", 'r') as f:
        some_binning = binning.yaml.full_load(f)


from copy import deepcopy
from tempfile import TemporaryFile

import numpy as np
import yaml
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import rename_fields

# Use this function/object for parallelization where possible
mapper = map

[docs]class PhaseSpace(yaml.YAMLObject): """A PhaseSpace defines the possible combinations of variables that characterize an event. Parameters ---------- variables : iterable of strings The set of variables that define the phase space. Attributes ---------- variables : set of str The set of variables that define the phase space. Notes ----- A PhaseSpace can be seen as the carthesian product of its `variables`:: >>> ps = PhaseSpace(variables=['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> print ps ('a' X 'c' X 'b') You can check whether a variable is part of a phase space:: >>> 'a' in ps True Phase spaces can be compared to one another. Check whether two phase spaces are identical:: >>> PhaseSpace(['a','b']) == PhaseSpace(['b', 'a']) True >>> PhaseSpace(['a', 'b']) == PhaseSpace(['a', 'c']) False >>> PhaseSpace(['a', 'b']) != PhaseSpace(['a', 'c']) True Check whether one phase space is a sub-space of the other:: >>> PhaseSpace(['a', 'b','c')] > PhaseSpace(['a', 'b']) True >>> PhaseSpace(['a', 'c']) < PhaseSpace(['a', 'b','c']) True """ def __init__(self, variables): self.variables = set(variables) def __contains__(self, var): return var in self.variables def __len__(self): return len(self.variables) def __eq__(self, phasespace): return self.variables == phasespace.variables def __ne__(self, phasespace): return self.variables != phasespace.variables def __le__(self, phasespace): return self.variables <= phasespace.variables def __ge__(self, phasespace): return self.variables >= phasespace.variables def __lt__(self, phasespace): return (self.variables <= phasespace.variables) and not ( self.variables == phasespace.variables ) def __gt__(self, phasespace): return (self.variables >= phasespace.variables) and not ( self.variables == phasespace.variables ) def __mul__(self, phasespace): return PhaseSpace(variables=(self.variables | phasespace.variables)) def __div__(self, phasespace): return PhaseSpace(variables=(self.variables - phasespace.variables)) def __truediv__(self, phasespace): # Python 3 div operator return self.__div__(phasespace) def __str__(self): return "('" + "' X '".join(self.variables) + "')" def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}(variables={self.variables!r})"
[docs] def clone(self): """Return a copy of the object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, obj): return dumper.represent_sequence("!PhaseSpace", list(obj.variables))
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): seq = loader.construct_sequence(node) return cls(variables=seq)
yaml_loader = yaml.FullLoader yaml_tag = "!PhaseSpace"
[docs]class Bin(yaml.YAMLObject): """A Bin is a container for a value that is defined on a subset of an n-dimensional phase space. Parameters ---------- phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the `Bin` resides in. value : float, optional The initialization value of the bin. Default: 0.0 entries : int, optional The initialization value of the number of entries. Default: 0 sumw2 : float, optional The initialization value of the sum of squared weights. Default: ``value**2`` value_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the value of the bin will be stored. Default: ``None`` entries_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the number entries will be stored. Default: ``None`` sumw2_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights will be stored. Default: ``None`` dummy : bool, optional Do not create a any arrays to store the data. Default: ``False`` Attributes ---------- value : float The value of the bin. entries : int The number of entries in the bin. sumw2 : float The sum of squared weights in the bin. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the bin is defined on """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.phasespace = kwargs.pop("phasespace", None) if self.phasespace is None: raise TypeError("Undefined phase space!") if not kwargs.pop("dummy", False): self.value_array = kwargs.pop("value_array", None) if self.value_array is None: self.value_array = np.array([kwargs.pop("value", 0.0)], dtype=float) self.entries_array = kwargs.pop("entries_array", None) if self.entries_array is None: self.entries_array = np.array([kwargs.pop("entries", 0)], dtype=int) self.sumw2_array = kwargs.pop("sumw2_array", None) if self.sumw2_array is None: self.sumw2_array = np.array( [kwargs.pop("sumw2", self.value**2)], dtype=float ) else: for key in ["value_array", "entries_array", "sumw2_array"]: if key in kwargs: del kwargs[key] if len(kwargs) > 0: raise TypeError(f"Unknown kwargs: {kwargs}") @property def value(self): """(float) The value of the bin. The sum of weights. """ return self.value_array[0] @value.setter def value(self, v): self.value_array[0] = v @property def entries(self): """(int) The number of entries in the bin.""" return self.entries_array[0] @entries.setter def entries(self, v): self.entries_array[0] = v @property def sumw2(self): """(float) The sum of squared weights in the bin.""" return self.sumw2_array[0] @sumw2.setter def sumw2(self, v): self.sumw2_array[0] = v
[docs] def event_in_bin(self, event): """Check whether the variable combination falls within the bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- bool Whether or not the variable combination lies within the bin. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method must be defined in an inheriting class.")
[docs] def fill(self, weight=1.0): """Add the weight(s) to the bin. Also increases the number of entries and sum of squared weights accordingly. Parameters ---------- weight : float or iterable of floats, optional Weight(s) to be added to the value of the bin. """ try: # Does the weight have a length? n = len(weight) except TypeError: # No w = weight w2 = w**2 n = 1 else: # Yes weight = np.asarray(weight) w = np.sum(weight) w2 = np.sum(weight**2) self.value += w self.entries += n self.sumw2 += w2
[docs] def is_dummy(self): """Return `True` if there is no data array linked to this bin.""" try: self.value_array except AttributeError: return True else: return False
def __contains__(self, event): """Return True if the event falls within the bin.""" return self.event_in_bin(event) def __eq__(self, other): """Bins are equal if they are of the same type, defined on the same phase space.""" return type(self) is type(other) and self.phasespace == other.phasespace def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __add__(self, other): ret = deepcopy(self) ret.value = self.value + other.value ret.entries = self.entries + other.entries ret.sumw2 = self.sumw2 + other.sumw2 return ret def __sub__(self, other): ret = deepcopy(self) ret.value = self.value - other.value return ret def __mul__(self, other): ret = deepcopy(self) ret.value = self.value * other.value return ret def __div__(self, other): ret = deepcopy(self) ret.value = self.value / other.value return ret def __truediv__(self, other): # Python 3 div operator return self.__div__(other) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join([f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self._get_clone_kwargs().items()]), ) def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "phasespace": deepcopy(self.phasespace), } if self.is_dummy() or kwargs.get("dummy", False): args["dummy"] = True else: args.update( { "value_array": deepcopy(self.value_array), "entries_array": deepcopy(self.entries_array), "sumw2_array": deepcopy(self.sumw2_array), } ) args.update(kwargs) return args
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs): """Create a functioning copy of the Bin. Can specify additional kwargs for the initialisation of the new Binning. """ args = self._get_clone_kwargs(**kwargs) return type(self)(**args)
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, obj): dic = obj._get_clone_kwargs(dummy=True) if not obj.is_dummy(): del dic["dummy"] return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, dic)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): dic = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) return cls(**dic)
yaml_loader = yaml.FullLoader yaml_tag = "!Bin"
[docs]class RectangularBin(Bin): """A Bin defined by min and max values in all variables. Parameters ---------- variables : iterable of str The variables with defined edges. edges : iterable of (int, int) lower and upper edges for all variables:: [[x_lower, x_upper], [y_lower, y_upper], ...] include_lower : bool, optional Does the bin include the lower edges? include_upper : bool, optional Does the bin include the upper edges? **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`Bin`. Attributes ---------- value : float The value of the bin. entries : int The number of entries in the bin. sumw2 : float The sum of squared weights in the bin. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the bin is defined on variables : tuple of str The variable names. edges : tuple of (int, int) The bin edges for each variable. include_lower : bool Does the bin include the lower edges? include_upper : bool Does the bin include the upper edges? """ def __init__( self, variables, edges, include_lower=True, include_upper=False, **kwargs ): self.variables = tuple(variables) self.edges = tuple(tuple(x) for x in edges) self.include_lower = bool(include_lower) self.include_upper = bool(include_upper) # Create PhaseSpace from edges if necessary phasespace = kwargs.get("phasespace", None) if phasespace is None: kwargs["phasespace"] = PhaseSpace(self.variables) # Handle default bin initialization Bin.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Check that all edges are valid tuples for i, var in enumerate(self.variables): if var not in self.phasespace: raise ValueError(f"Variable not part of PhaseSpace: {var}") mi, ma = self.edges[i] if ma < mi: raise ValueError( f"Upper edge is smaller than lower edge for variable {var}." )
[docs] def event_in_bin(self, event): """Check whether an event is within all bin edges. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- bool Whether or not the variable combination lies within the bin. """ inside = True for i, var in enumerate(self.variables): mi, ma = self.edges[i] val = event[var] if self.include_lower: if val < mi: inside = False break else: if val <= mi: inside = False break if self.include_upper: if val > ma: inside = False break else: if val >= ma: inside = False break return inside
[docs] def get_center(self): """Return the bin center coordinates. Returns ------- ndarray The center coordinates for each variable. """ arr = np.asfarray(self.edges) return arr.sum(axis=1) / 2.0
def __eq__(self, other): """RectangularBins are equal if they have the same edges.""" return ( Bin.__eq__(self, other) and sorted(zip(self.variables, self.edges)) == sorted(zip(other.variables, other.edges)) and self.include_lower == other.include_lower and self.include_upper == other.include_upper ) def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "include_upper": self.include_upper, "include_lower": self.include_lower, "variables": list(self.variables), "edges": np.asarray(self.edges).tolist(), } args.update(Bin._get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs)) return args yaml_tag = "!RectangularBin"
[docs]class CartesianProductBin(Bin): """A Bin that is part of a CartesianProductBinning. An event is part of a bin, if it has the right data indices in the constituent binnings. Parameters ---------- binnings : iterable of Binning data_indices : iterable of int Specifies the constituent binnings and the respective data indices. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`Bin`. Attributes ---------- value : float The value of the bin. entries : int The number of entries in the bin. sumw2 : float The sum of squared weights in the bin. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the bin is defined on binnings : tuple of Binning data_indices : tuple of int Specifies the constituent binnings and the respective data indices. """ def __init__(self, binnings, data_indices, **kwargs): self.binnings = tuple(binnings) self.data_indices = tuple(data_indices) # Create PhaseSpace from binnings if necessary if "phasespace" not in kwargs: kwargs["phasespace"] = PhaseSpace([]) for binning in self.binnings: kwargs["phasespace"] *= binning.phasespace Bin.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def event_in_bin(self, event): """Check whether an event is within the bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- bool Whether or not the variable combination lies within the bin. """ # Check that the event is at the right data position in all binnings for binning, i in zip(self.binnings, self.data_indices): if binning.get_event_data_index(event) != i: return False else: return True
[docs] def get_marginal_bins(self): """Return the corresponding bins on the input binnings of the cartesian product. Returns ------- (bin_1, bin_2[, bin_3 ...]) See also -------- get_marginal_subbins """ bins = () for b, d in zip(self.binnings, self.data_indices): bins = bins + (b.bins[b.get_data_bin_index(d)],) return bins
[docs] def get_marginal_subbins(self): """Return the corresponding subbins on the input binnings of the cartesian product. This will return a tuple of tuples of subbins. One tuple for each input binning. Returns ------- ((bin_1, [subbin_1a ...]), (bin_2, [subbin_2a ...]) [, (bin_3, [subbin_3a ...]) ...]) See also -------- get_marginal_bins Binning.get_subbins """ bins = () for b, d in zip(self.binnings, self.data_indices): bins = bins + (b.get_subbins(b.get_data_bin_index(d)),) return bins
def __eq__(self, other): """CartesianProductBins are equal, if the binnings and indices are equal.""" try: if len(self.binnings) != len(other.binnings): return False # Try both combinations of self and other for A, B in [(self, other), (other, self)]: for self_binning, i in zip(A.binnings, A.data_indices): # For each binning and index in self... for other_binning, j in zip(B.binnings, B.data_indices): # ... check that there is a matchin binning and index in other if self_binning == other_binning and i == j: break else: # Otherwise return `False` return False # Found a match for all elements return Bin.__eq__(self, other) except AttributeError: return False def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "binnings": [binning.clone(dummy=True) for binning in self.binnings], "data_indices": list(self.data_indices), } args.update(Bin._get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs)) return args yaml_tag = "!CartesianProductBin"
[docs]class Binning(yaml.YAMLObject): """A Binning is a set of disjunct Bins. Parameters ---------- bins : list of Bin The list of disjoint bins. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning}, optional Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins will be stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries will be stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray, optional A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights will be stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace, optional The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. dummy : bool, optional Do not create any arrays to store the data. Attributes ---------- bins : tuple of Bin The list of disjoint bins on the PhaseSpace. nbins : int The number of bins in the binning. data_size : int The number of elements in the data arrays. Might differ from ``nbins`` due to subbinnings. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning}, optional Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins are stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries are stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights are stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. Notes ----- Subbinnings are used to get a finer binning within a given bin. The bin to be replaced by the finer binning is specified using the *native* bin index, i.e. the number it would have before the sub binnings are assigned. Subbinnings are inserted into the numpy arrays at the position of the original bins. This changes the *effective* bin number of all later bins. The data itself is stored in Numpy arrays (or views of such) that are managed by the :class:`Binning`. The arrays are linked to the contained :class:`Bin` objects and subbinnings by setting their respective storage arrays to sliced views of the data arrays. The original arrays in the bins and subbinnings will always be replaced. """ def __init__( self, bins, subbinnings=None, value_array=None, entries_array=None, sumw2_array=None, phasespace=None, dummy=False, ): if isinstance(bins, _BinProxy): self.bins = bins else: self.bins = tuple(bins) if subbinnings is None: self.subbinnings = {} else: self.subbinnings = dict(subbinnings) self.phasespace = phasespace if self.phasespace is None: self.phasespace = self._get_phasespace() self.nbins = len(self.bins) self.data_size = self.nbins for binning in self.subbinnings.values(): self.data_size += ( binning.data_size - 1 ) # Minus one, since one bin gets replaced if not dummy: self.value_array = value_array if self.value_array is None: self.value_array = np.zeros(self.data_size, dtype=float) if self.value_array.shape != (self.data_size,): raise TypeError("Value array shape is not same as (data_size,)!") self.entries_array = entries_array if self.entries_array is None: self.entries_array = np.zeros(self.data_size, dtype=int) if self.entries_array.shape != (self.data_size,): raise TypeError("Entries array shape is not same as (data_size,)!") self.sumw2_array = sumw2_array if self.sumw2_array is None: self.sumw2_array = np.zeros(self.data_size, dtype=float) if self.sumw2_array.shape != (self.data_size,): raise TypeError("Sumw2 array shape is not same as (data_size,)!") self.link_arrays() else: self.value_array = None self.entries_array = None self.sumw2_array = None def _get_phasespace(self): """Get PhaseSpace from Bins and subbinnings.""" ps = PhaseSpace([]) for bin in self.bins: ps *= bin.phasespace for binning in self.subbinnings.values(): ps *= binning.phasespace return ps def _link_bins(self): for i, bin in enumerate(self.bins): j = self.get_bin_data_index(i) bin.value_array = self.value_array[j : j + 1] bin.entries_array = self.entries_array[j : j + 1] bin.sumw2_array = self.sumw2_array[j : j + 1] def _link_subbinnings(self): for i, binning in self.subbinnings.items(): j = self.get_bin_data_index(i) n = binning.data_size binning.value_array = self.value_array[j : j + n] binning.entries_array = self.entries_array[j : j + n] binning.sumw2_array = self.sumw2_array[j : j + n] # Also make the subbinnings link the new arrays binning.link_arrays()
[docs] def get_event_data_index(self, event): """Get the data array index of the given event. Returns `None` if the event does not belong to any bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- int or None The bin number See also -------- get_event_bin_index """ bin_i = self.get_event_bin_index(event) data_i = self.get_bin_data_index(bin_i) if bin_i in self.subbinnings: data_i += self.subbinnings[bin_i].get_event_data_index(event) return data_i
[docs] def get_event_bin_index(self, event): """Get the bin number of the given event. Returns `None` if the event does not belong to any bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- int or None The bin number Notes ----- The bin number can be used to access the corresponding :class:`Bin`, or the subbinning in that bin (if it exists):: i = binning.get_event_bin_index(event) binning.bins[i] binning.subbinnings[i] This is *not* the same as the corresponding index in the data array if there are any subbinnings present. This is a dumb method that just loops over all bins until it finds a fitting one. It should be replaced with something smarter for more specifig binning classes. See also -------- get_event_data_index get_event_bin """ for i in range(len(self.bins)): if event in self.bins[i]: return i return None
[docs] def get_bin_data_index(self, bin_i): """Calculate the data array index from the bin number.""" if bin_i is None: return None data_i = bin_i for i, binning in self.subbinnings.items(): if i < bin_i: data_i = data_i + ( binning.data_size - 1 ) # Minus one, because the original bin is replaced return data_i
[docs] def get_data_bin_index(self, data_i): """Calculate the bin number from the data array index. All data indices inside a subbinning will return the bin index of that subbinning. """ if data_i is None: return None bin_i = data_i for i in sorted(self.subbinnings.keys()): if i > bin_i: return bin_i if i + self.subbinnings[i].data_size > bin_i: return i bin_i -= self.subbinnings[i].data_size - 1 return bin_i
[docs] def get_event_bin(self, event): """Get the bin of the event. Returns `None` if the event does not fit in any bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- Bin or None The :class:`Bin` object the event fits into. """ i = self.get_event_bin_index(event) if i is not None: return self.bins[i] else: return None
[docs] def get_subbins(self, data_index): """Return a tuple of the bin and subbins corresponding to the data_index. Paramteters ----------- data_index : int Returns ------- (bin[, subbin[, subbin ...]]) """ i = self.get_data_bin_index(data_index) if i in self.subbinnings: d = self.get_bin_data_index(i) # Offset for data index in subbinning bins = self.subbinnings[i].get_subbins(data_index - d) return (self.bins[i],) + bins else: return (self.bins[i],)
[docs] def get_event_subbins(self, event): """Get the tuple of subbins of the event. Returns `None` if the event does not fit in any bin. Parameters ---------- event : dict like A dictionary (or similar object) with one value of each variable in the binning, e.g.:: {'x': 1.4, 'y': -7.47} Returns ------- ([bin[, subbin[, subbin ...]]) or None """ i = self.get_event_data_index(event) if i is not None: return self.get_subbins(i) else: return None
[docs] def get_adjacent_bin_indices(self): """Return a list of adjacent bin indices. Returns ------- adjacent_indices : list of ndarray The adjacent indices of each bin """ # The general case is that we just don't know which bin is adjacent to # which. Return a list of empty lists. return [np.array([], dtype=int)] * self.nbins
[docs] def get_adjacent_data_indices(self): """Return a list of adjacent data indices. Returns ------- adjacent_indices : list of ndarray The adjacent indices of each data index Notes ----- Data indices inside a subbinning will only ever be adjacent to other indices inside the same subbinning. There is no information available about which bins in a subbinning are adjacent to which bins in the parent binning. """ # Start with adjacent bins i_bin = self.get_adjacent_bin_indices() # Replace bin indices with data indices # and remove references to subbinnings i_data = [] for i, adj in enumerate(i_bin): if i not in self.subbinnings: # Regular bin # Add neighbouring bins translated to data indices i_data.append([]) for j in adj: if j not in self.subbinnings: i_data[-1].append(self.get_bin_data_index(j)) i_data[-1] = np.array(i_data[-1], dtype=int) else: # Subbinning # Add its adjacent data indices offset to correct position offset = self.get_bin_data_index(i) for adj in self.subbinnings[i].get_adjacent_data_indices(): i_data.append(adj + offset) return i_data
[docs] def fill(self, event, weight=1, raise_error=False, rename=None): """Fill the events into their respective bins. Parameters ---------- event : [iterable of] dict like or Numpy structured array or Pandas DataFrame The event(s) to be filled into the binning. weight : float or iterable of floats, optional The weight of the event(s). Can be either a scalar which is then used for all events or an iterable of weights for the single events. Default: 1. raise_error : bool, optional Raise a ValueError if an event is not in the binning. Otherwise ignore the event. Default: False rename : dict, optional Dict for translating event variable names to binning variable names. Default: `{}`, i.e. no translation """ try: if len(event) == 0: # Empty iterable? Stop right here return except TypeError: # Not an iterable event = [event] if rename is None: rename = {} if len(rename) > 0: try: # Numpy array? event = rename_fields(event, rename) except AttributeError: try: # Pandas DataFrame? event = event.rename(index=str, columns=rename) except AttributeError: # Dict? for e in event: for name in rename: e[rename[name]] = e[name] ibins = None if ibins is None: try: # Try to get bin numbers from a pandas DataFrame ibins = list( mapper( lambda irow: self.get_event_data_index(irow._asdict()), event.itertuples(), ) ) except AttributeError: # Seems like this is not a DataFrame pass if ibins is None: try: # Try to get bin numbers from structured numpy array ibins = list(mapper(self.get_event_data_index, np.nditer(event))) except TypeError: # Seems like this is not a structured numpy array pass if ibins is None: try: # Try to get bin numbers from any iterable of events ibins = list(mapper(self.get_event_data_index, event)) except TypeError: # We probably only have a single event ibins = [self.get_event_data_index(event)] if raise_error and None in ibins: raise ValueError("Event not part of binning!") # Compare len of weight list and event list try: if len(ibins) != len(weight): raise ValueError("Different length of event and weight lists!") except TypeError: weight = [weight] * len(ibins) for i, w in zip(ibins, weight): if i is not None: self.fill_data_index(i, w)
[docs] def fill_data_index(self, i, weight=1.0): """Add the weight(s) to the given data position. Also increases the number of entries and sum of squared weights accordingly. Parameters ---------- i : int The index of the data arrays to be filled. weight : float or iterable of floats, optional Weight(s) to be added to the value of the bin. """ try: # Does the weight have a length? n = len(weight) except TypeError: # No w = weight w2 = w**2 n = 1 else: # Yes weight = np.asarray(weight) w = np.sum(weight) w2 = np.sum(weight**2) self.value_array[i] += w self.entries_array[i] += n self.sumw2_array[i] += w2
@staticmethod def _genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=",", names=True, chunksize=10000): """Replacement for numpy's genfromtxt, that should need less memory.""" with open(filename) as f: if names: namelist = f.readline().split(delimiter) dtype = [(name.strip(), float) for name in namelist] else: namelist = None dtype = float arr = np.array([], dtype=dtype) rows = [] for line in f: if len(rows) >= chunksize: arr = np.concatenate((arr, np.array(rows, dtype=dtype)), axis=0) rows = [] rows.append(tuple(map(float, line.split(delimiter)))) arr = np.concatenate((arr, np.array(rows, dtype=dtype)), axis=0) return arr _csv_buffer = {} @classmethod def _load_csv_file_buffered(cls, filename, chunksize): """Load a CSV file and save the resulting array in a temporary file. If the same file is loaded a second time, the buffer is loaded instead of re-parsing the CSV file. """ if filename in cls._csv_buffer: # File has been loaded before f = cls._csv_buffer[filename] arr = np.load(f) else: # New file f = TemporaryFile() arr = cls._genfromtxt( filename, delimiter=",", names=True, chunksize=chunksize ), arr) cls._csv_buffer[filename] = f return arr
[docs] @classmethod def fill_multiple_from_csv_file( cls, binnings, filename, weightfield=None, weight=1.0, rename=None, cut_function=lambda x: x, buffer_csv_files=False, chunksize=10000, **kwargs, ): """Fill multiple Binnings from the same csv file(s). This method saves time, because the numpy array only has to be generated once. Other than the list of binnings to be filled, the (keyword) arguments are identical to the ones used by the instance method :meth:`fill_from_csv_file`. """ if rename is None: rename = {} # Handle lists recursively if isinstance(filename, list): try: for item, w in zip(filename, weight): cls.fill_multiple_from_csv_file( binnings, item, weightfield=weightfield, weight=w, rename=rename, cut_function=cut_function, buffer_csv_files=buffer_csv_files, **kwargs, ) except TypeError: for item in filename: cls.fill_multiple_from_csv_file( binnings, item, weightfield=weightfield, weight=weight, rename=rename, cut_function=cut_function, buffer_csv_files=buffer_csv_files, **kwargs, ) return if buffer_csv_files: data = cls._load_csv_file_buffered(filename, chunksize=chunksize) else: data = cls._genfromtxt( filename, delimiter=",", names=True, chunksize=chunksize ) data = rename_fields(data, rename) data = cut_function(data) if weightfield is not None: weight = data[weightfield] * weight for binning in binnings: binning.fill(data, weight=weight, **kwargs)
[docs] def fill_from_csv_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """Fill the binning with events from a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : string or list of strings The csv file with the data. Can be a list of filenames. weightfield : string, optional The column with the event weights. weight : float or iterable of floats, optional A single weight that will be applied to all events in the file. Can be an iterable with one weight for each file if `filename` is a list. rename : dict, optional A dict with columns that should be renamed before filling:: {'csv_name': 'binning_name'} cut_function : function, optional A function that modifies the loaded data before filling into the binning, e.g.:: cut_function(data) = data[ data['binning_name'] > some_threshold ] This is done *after* the optional renaming. buffer_csv_files : bool, optional Save the results of loading CSV files in temporary files that can be recovered if the same CSV file is loaded again. This speeds up filling multiple Binnings with the same CSV-files considerably! Default: False chunksize : int, optional Load csv file in chunks of <chunksize> rows. This reduces the memory footprint of the loading operation, but can slow it down. Default: 10000 Notes ----- The file must be formated like this:: first_varname,second_varname,... <first_value>,<second_value>,... <first_value>,<second_value>,... <first_value>,<second_value>,... ... For example:: x,y,z 1.0,2.1,3.2 4.1,2.0,2.9 3,2,1 All values are interpreted as floats. If `weightfield` is given, that field will be used as weigts for the event. Other keyword arguments are passed on to the Binning's :meth:`fill` method. If filename is a list, all elemets are handled recursively. """ # Actual filling is handled by static method Binning.fill_multiple_from_csv_file([self], *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset(self, value=0.0, entries=0, sumw2=0.0): """Reset all bin values to 0. Parameters ---------- value : float, optional Set the bin values to this value. entries : int, optional Set the number of entries in each bin to this value. sumw2 : float, optional Set the sum of squared weights in each bin to this value. """ self.value_array.fill(value) self.entries_array.fill(entries) self.sumw2_array.fill(sumw2)
[docs] def get_values_as_ndarray(self, shape=None, indices=None): """Return the bin values as ndarray. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple of ints Shape of the resulting array. Default: ``(len(bins),)`` indices: list of ints Only return the given bins. Default: Return all bins. Returns ------- ndarray An ndarray with the values of the bins. """ if indices is None: indices = slice(None, None, None) ret = np.array(self.value_array[indices]) if shape is not None: ret = ret.reshape(shape, order="C") else: ret = ret.reshape((ret.size,), order="C") return ret
[docs] def set_values_from_ndarray(self, arr): """Set the bin values to the values of the ndarray.""" self.value_array.flat[:] = np.asarray(arr).flat
[docs] def get_entries_as_ndarray(self, shape=None, indices=None): """Return the number of entries in the bins as ndarray. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple of ints Shape of the resulting array. Default: ``(len(bins),)`` indices: list of ints Only return the given bins. Default: Return all bins. Returns ------- ndarray An ndarray with the numbers of entries of the bins. """ if indices is None: indices = slice(None, None, None) ret = np.array(self.entries_array[indices]) if shape is not None: ret = ret.reshape(shape, order="C") else: ret = ret.reshape((ret.size,), order="C") return ret
[docs] def set_entries_from_ndarray(self, arr): """Set the number of bin entries to the values of the ndarray.""" self.entries_array.flat[:] = np.asarray(arr).flat
[docs] def get_sumw2_as_ndarray(self, shape=None, indices=None): """Return the sum of squared weights in the bins as ndarray. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple of ints Shape of the resulting array. Default: ``(len(bins),)`` indices: list of ints Only return the given bins. Default: Return all bins. Returns ------- ndarray An ndarray with the sum of squared weights of the bins. """ if indices is None: indices = slice(None, None, None) ret = np.copy(self.sumw2_array[indices]) if shape is not None: ret = ret.reshape(shape, order="C") else: ret = ret.reshape((ret.size,), order="C") return ret
[docs] def set_sumw2_from_ndarray(self, arr): """Set the sums of squared weights to the values of the ndarray.""" self.sumw2_array.flat[:] = np.asarray(arr).flat
[docs] def event_in_binning(self, event): """Check whether an event fits into any of the bins.""" i = self.get_event_data_index(event) if i is None: return False else: return True
[docs] def iter_subbins(self): """Iterate over all bins and subbins. Will yield a tuple of the bins in this Binning and all subbinnings in the order they correspond to the data indices. Yields ------ (bin[, subbin[, subbin ...]]) """ for i, b in enumerate(self.bins): if i in self.subbinnings: for sb in self.subbinnings[i].iter_subbins(): yield (b,) + sb else: yield (b,)
[docs] def is_dummy(self): """Return `True` if there is no data array linked to this binning.""" if self.value_array is None: return True else: return False
def __contains__(self, event): return self.event_in_binning(event) def __eq__(self, other): """Binnings are equal if all bins and the phase space are equal.""" return ( self.bins == other.bins and self.phasespace == other.phasespace and self.subbinnings == other.subbinnings ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs] def marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray(self, array, bin_indices=None): """Marginalize out the bins corresponding to the subbinnings. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray The data to work on. bin_indices : list of int, optional The bin indices of the subbinnings to be marginalized. If no indices are specified, all subbinnings are marginalized. Returns ------- new_array : ndarray """ if bin_indices is None: bin_indices = self.subbinnings.keys() # Create working copy of input array new_array = np.array(array) # Determine indices to be removed and set new values remove_i = [] for i in bin_indices: if i in self.subbinnings: binning = self.subbinnings[i] else: raise ValueError("No subbinning at bin index %d!" % (i,)) i_data = self.get_bin_data_index(i) n_data = binning.data_size remove_i.extend( range(i_data + 1, i_data + n_data) ) # Skip first one, since we substitute a single bin # Set marginalized value new_array[i_data] = np.sum(new_array[i_data : i_data + n_data]) # Remove marginalized elements remove_i = np.array(sorted(remove_i), dtype=int) new_array = np.delete(new_array, remove_i, axis=0) return new_array
[docs] def marginalize_subbinnings(self, bin_indices=None): """Return a clone of the Binning with subbinnings removed. Parameters ---------- bin_indices : list of int, optional The bin indices of the subbinnings to be marginalized. If no indices are specified, all subbinnings are marginalized. Returns ------- new_binning : Binning """ if bin_indices is None: bin_indices = self.subbinnings.keys() # Clone the subbinnings that will remain in the binning subbinnings = {} for i in self.subbinnings: if i not in bin_indices: binning = self.subbinnings[i].clone(dummy=True) subbinnings[i] = binning kwargs = {"subbinnings": subbinnings} if self.is_dummy(): pass else: kwargs.update( { "value_array": self.marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray( self.value_array, bin_indices ), "entries_array": self.marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray( self.entries_array, bin_indices ), "sumw2_array": self.marginalize_subbinnings_on_ndarray( self.sumw2_array, bin_indices ), } ) return self.clone(**kwargs)
[docs] def insert_subbinning_on_ndarray(self, array, bin_index, insert_array): """Insert values of a new subbinning into the array. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray The data to work on. bin_index : int The bin to be replaced with the subbinning. insert_array : ndarrau The array to be inserted. Returns ------- new_array : ndarray The modified array. """ i_data = self.get_bin_data_index(bin_index) new_array = np.insert( array, i_data + 1, insert_array[1:], axis=0 ) # Do not insert the first element new_array[i_data] = insert_array[ 0 ] # Instead set overwrite the values of the bin return new_array
[docs] def insert_subbinning(self, bin_index, binning): """Insert a new subbinning into the binning. Parameters ---------- bin_index : int The bin to be replaced with the subbinning. binning : Binning The new subbinning Returns ------- new_binning : Binning A copy of this binning with the new subbinning. Warnings -------- This will replace the content of the bin with the content of the new subbinning! """ if bin_index in self.subbinnings: raise ValueError("Bin %d already has a subbinning!" % (bin_index,)) subbinnings = {} for i, b in self.subbinnings.items(): subbinnings[i] = b.clone(dummy=True) subbinnings[bin_index] = binning kwargs = { "subbinnings": subbinnings, "value_array": self.insert_subbinning_on_ndarray( self.value_array, bin_index, binning.value_array ), "entries_array": self.insert_subbinning_on_ndarray( self.entries_array, bin_index, binning.entries_array ), "sumw2_array": self.insert_subbinning_on_ndarray( self.sumw2_array, bin_index, binning.sumw2_array ), } return self.clone(**kwargs)
def __add__(self, other): ret = self.clone() ret.set_values_from_ndarray( self.get_values_as_ndarray() + other.get_values_as_ndarray() ) ret.set_entries_from_ndarray( self.get_entries_as_ndarray() + other.get_entries_as_ndarray() ) ret.set_sumw2_from_ndarray( self.get_sumw2_as_ndarray() + other.get_sumw2_as_ndarray() ) return ret def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "subbinnings": { i: binning.clone(dummy=True) for i, binning in self.subbinnings.items() }, "phasespace": deepcopy(self.phasespace), } if "bins" in kwargs: # Overwrite bins and do not re-create them one by one args["bins"] = kwargs["bins"] else: # Re-create the bins one by one args["bins"] = [bin.clone(dummy=True) for bin in self.bins] if self.is_dummy() or kwargs.get("dummy", False): args["dummy"] = True else: args.update( { "value_array": deepcopy(self.value_array), "entries_array": deepcopy(self.entries_array), "sumw2_array": deepcopy(self.sumw2_array), } ) args.update(kwargs) return args
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs): """Create a functioning copy of the Binning. Can specify additional kwargs for the initialisation of the new Binning. """ args = self._get_clone_kwargs(**kwargs) return type(self)(**args)
def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( type(self).__name__, ", ".join([f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in self._get_clone_kwargs().items()]), )
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, obj): dic = obj._get_clone_kwargs(dummy=True) if not obj.is_dummy(): del dic["dummy"] return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, dic)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): dic = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) return cls(**dic)
yaml_loader = yaml.FullLoader yaml_tag = "!Binning"
[docs]class RectangularBinning(Binning): """Binning that contains only :class:`RectangularBin` Parameters ---------- variables : list of str The variables the binning is defined on. bin_edges : list of ((float, float), (float, float), ...) The list of bin edges defining the bins. The tuples contain the lower and upper edges of all `variables`, e.g.:: [ ((x_low, x_high), (y_low, y_high)), ((x_low, x_high), (y_low, y_high)), ... ] **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments will be passed to :class:`Binning`. Attributes ---------- variables : tuple of str The variables corresponding to the bin edges. include_upper : bool Include the upper rather than the lower bin edges. bins : tuple of Bin The tuple of RectangularBins. nbins : int The number of bins in the binning. data_size : int The number of elements in the data arrays. Might differ from ``nbins`` due to subbinnings. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning} Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins are stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries are stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights are stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. """ def __init__(self, variables, bin_edges, include_upper=False, **kwargs): self.variables = tuple(variables) self.include_upper = bool(include_upper) bins = [] for edges in bin_edges: bins.append( RectangularBin( variables=variables, edges=edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, include_lower=not self.include_upper, dummy=True, ) ) Binning.__init__(self, bins=bins, **kwargs) def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" variables = list(self.variables) bin_edges = [] # Turn all tuples into lists for bn in self.bins: bin_edges.append([list(x) for x in bn.edges]) args = { "variables": list(variables), "bin_edges": bin_edges, "include_upper": self.include_upper, } args.update(Binning._get_clone_kwargs(self, bins=None, **kwargs)) del args["bins"] return args yaml_tag = "!RectangularBinning"
class _BinProxy: """Base class for all bin proxies.""" def __init__(self, binning): self.binning = binning def __len__(self): return self.binning.nbins def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __eq__(self, other): return self.binning == other.binning def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other class _CartesianProductBinProxy(_BinProxy): """Indexable class that creates bins on the fly.""" def __getitem__(self, index): """Dynamically build an CartesianProductBin when requested.""" tup = self.binning.get_bin_index_tuple(index) index = self.binning.get_bin_data_index(index) val_slice = self.binning.value_array[index : index + 1] ent_slice = self.binning.entries_array[index : index + 1] sumw2_slice = self.binning.sumw2_array[index : index + 1] binnings = [] data_indices = [] for i, j in enumerate(tup): binnings.append(self.binning.binnings[i]) data_indices.append(j) bin = CartesianProductBin( binnings, data_indices, value_array=val_slice, entries_array=ent_slice, sumw2_array=sumw2_slice, ) return bin
[docs]class CartesianProductBinning(Binning): """A Binning that is the cartesian product of two or more Binnings Parameters ---------- binnings : list of Binning The Binning objects to be multiplied. Attributes ---------- binnings : tuple of Binning The :class:`Binning` objects that make up the Cartesian product. bins : proxy for Bins Proxy that will generate :class:`CartesianProductBin` instances, when accessed. nbins : int The number of bins in the binning. bins_shape : tuple of int The sizes of the constituent binnings. data_size : int The number of elements in the data arrays. Might differ from ``nbins`` due to subbinnings. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning} Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins are stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries are stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights are stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. Notes ----- This creates a Binning with as many bins as the product of the number of bins in the iput binnings. """ def __init__(self, binnings, **kwargs): self.binnings = tuple(binnings) self.bins_shape = tuple(binning.data_size for binning in self.binnings) self._stepsize = [1] # Calculate the step size (or stride) for each binning index. # We use a row-major ordering (C-style). # The index of the later binnings varies faster than the ones before: # # (0,0) <-> 0 # (0,1) <-> 1 # (0,2) <-> 2 # (1,0) <-> 3 # ... # # _stepsize is 1 longer than binnings and bins_shape! for n in reversed(self.bins_shape): self._stepsize.insert(0, self._stepsize[0] * n) self._stepsize = tuple(self._stepsize) self.nbins = self._stepsize[0] phasespace = kwargs.get("phasespace", None) if phasespace is None: # Create phasespace from binnings phasespace = PhaseSpace([]) for binning in self.binnings: phasespace *= binning.phasespace kwargs["phasespace"] = phasespace bins = kwargs.pop("bins", None) if bins is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot define bins of CartesianProductBinning! Define binnings instead." ) else: # Create bin proxy bins = _CartesianProductBinProxy(self) kwargs["bins"] = bins Binning.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _link_bins(self): # We do not need to link each bin separately, # the bin proxy takes care of this pass
[docs] def get_tuple_bin_index(self, tup): """Translate a tuple of binning specific bin indices to the linear bin index of the event. Turns this:: (i_x, i_y, i_z) into this:: i_bin The order of the indices in the tuple must conform to the order of `binnings`. The bins are ordered row-major (C-style), i.e. increasing the bin number of the last binning by one increases the overall bin number also by one. The increments of the other variables depend on the number of bins in each variable. """ if None in tup: return None i_bin = 0 for i, s in zip(tup, self._stepsize[1:]): i_bin += s * i return i_bin
[docs] def get_bin_index_tuple(self, i_bin): """Translate the linear bin index of the event to a tuple of single binning bin indices. Turns this:: i_bin into this:: (i_x, i_y, i_z) The order of the indices in the tuple conforms to the order of `binnings`. The bins are ordered row-major (C-style), i.e. increasing the bin number of the last variable by one increases the overall bin number also by one. The increments of the other variables depend on the number of bins in each variable. """ if i_bin is None or i_bin < 0 or i_bin >= self.nbins: return tuple([None] * len(self.binnings)) tup = tuple( (i_bin % t) // s for t, s in zip(self._stepsize[:-1], self._stepsize[1:]) ) return tup
[docs] def get_event_tuple(self, event): """Get the variable index tuple for a given event.""" tup = [] for binning in self.binnings: i = binning.get_event_data_index(event) tup.append(i) return tuple(tup)
[docs] def get_event_bin_index(self, event): """Get the bin index for a given event.""" tup = self.get_event_tuple(event) return self.get_tuple_bin_index(tup)
[docs] def get_adjacent_bin_indices(self): """Return a list of adjacent bin indices. Returns ------- adjacent_indices : list of ndarray The adjacent indices of each bin """ # Adjacent bins are based on the adjacent data indices of the # constituting binnings adj_tuple = tuple(b.get_adjacent_data_indices() for b in self.binnings) adj = [] # For all bins for i_bin in range(self.nbins): i_adj = [] # Get the tuple of binning data indices tup = self.get_bin_index_tuple(i_bin) for i_binning in range(len(tup)): variations = adj_tuple[i_binning][tup[i_binning]] var_tup = list(tup) for k in variations: var_tup[i_binning] = k i_adj.append(self.get_tuple_bin_index(var_tup)) adj.append(np.array(sorted(i_adj), dtype=int)) return adj
[docs] def marginalize(self, binning_i, reduction_function=np.sum): """Marginalize out the given binnings and return a new CartesianProductBinning. Parameters ---------- binning_i : iterable of int Iterable of index of binning to be marginalized. reduction_function : function Use this function to marginalize out the entries over the specified variables. Must support the `axis` keyword argument. Default: numpy.sum """ try: len(binning_i) except TypeError: binning_i = [binning_i] # Create new binning new_binnings = [binning.clone(dummy=True) for binning in self.binnings] for i in sorted(binning_i, reverse=True): del new_binnings[i] new_binning = CartesianProductBinning(new_binnings) # Copy and project values, from binning without subbinnings axes = tuple(sorted(binning_i)) temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes ) new_entries = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes, ) new_sumw2 = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes ) new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
def _unpack(self): """Return the unpacked last remaining binning.""" if len(self.binnings) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Unpacking only works if there is exactly one binning.") if len(self.subbinnings) != 0: raise RuntimeError( "Unpacking only works if there is exactly zero subbinnings." ) kwargs = { "value_array": self.value_array, "entries_array": self.entries_array, "sumw2_array": self.sumw2_array, "dummy": False, } return self.binnings[0].clone(**kwargs)
[docs] def project(self, binning_i, **kwargs): """Project the binning onto the given binnings and return a new CartesianProductBinning. The order of the original binnings is preserved. If a single ``int`` is provided, the returned Binning is of the same type as the respective binning. Parameters ---------- binning_i : iterable of int, or int Iterable of index of binning to be marginalized. kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed on to :meth:`marginalize`. Returns ------- CartesianProductBinning or type(self.binnings[binning_i]) """ try: i = list(binning_i) except TypeError: i = [binning_i] # Which variables to remove rm_i = list(range(len(self.binnings))) list(map(rm_i.remove, i)) ret = self.marginalize(rm_i, **kwargs) if isinstance(binning_i, int): return ret._unpack() else: return ret
def __eq__(self, other): """CartesianProductBinnings are equal if the included Binnings match.""" return ( type(self) is type(other) and self.binnings == other.binnings and self.subbinnings == other.subbinnings ) def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "binnings": list(binning.clone(dummy=True) for binning in self.binnings), } args.update(Binning._get_clone_kwargs(self, bins=None, **kwargs)) del args["bins"] return args yaml_tag = "!CartesianProductBinning"
class _LinearBinProxy(_BinProxy): """Indexable class that creates bins on the fly.""" def __getitem__(self, index): """Dynamically build a RectangularBin when requested.""" variable = self.binning.variable lower = self.binning.bin_edges[index] upper = self.binning.bin_edges[index + 1] data_index = self.binning.get_bin_data_index(index) args = { "variables": [variable], "edges": [(lower, upper)], "include_lower": not self.binning.include_upper, "include_upper": self.binning.include_upper, } if not self.binning.is_dummy(): args.update( { "value_array": self.binning.value_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], "entries_array": self.binning.entries_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], "sumw2_array": self.binning.sumw2_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], } ) rbin = RectangularBin(**args) return rbin
[docs]class LinearBinning(Binning): """A simple binning, defined by bin edges on a single variable. Parameters ---------- variable : str The name of te defining variable. bin_edges : list of float The bin edges defining the bins. include_upper : bool, optional Include the upper edge of bins instead of the default lower edge. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are handed to :class:`Binning`. Attributes ---------- variable : str The variable on which the bin edges are defined. bin_edges : ndarray The bin edges. include_upper : bool Are the upper edges included in each bin? bins : proxy for Bins Proxy that will generate :class:`RectangularBin` instances, when accessed. nbins : int The number of bins in the binning. data_size : int The number of elements in the data arrays. Might differ from ``nbins`` due to subbinnings. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning}, optional Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins are stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries are stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights are stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. """ def __init__(self, variable, bin_edges, include_upper=False, **kwargs): self.variable = variable self.bin_edges = np.asfarray(bin_edges) self.include_upper = bool(include_upper) self.nbins = self.bin_edges.size - 1 phasespace = kwargs.get("phasespace", None) if phasespace is None: # Create phasespace from variable phasespace = PhaseSpace([variable]) kwargs["phasespace"] = phasespace bins = kwargs.pop("bins", None) if bins is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot define bins of LinearBinning! Define bin edges instead." ) else: # Create bin proxy bins = _LinearBinProxy(self) kwargs["bins"] = bins Binning.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _link_bins(self): # We do not need to link each bin separately, # the bin proxy takes care of this pass
[docs] def get_event_bin_index(self, event): """Get the bin index for a given event.""" i = int( np.digitize(event[self.variable], self.bin_edges, right=self.include_upper) ) # Deal with Numpy's way of handling over- and underflows if i > 0 and i < len(self.bin_edges): i -= 1 else: i = None return i
[docs] def get_adjacent_bin_indices(self): """Return a list of adjacent bin indices. Returns ------- adjacent_indices : list of ndarray The adjacent indices of each bin """ # Adjacent bins are the ones before and after i_bin = np.arange(self.nbins) i_bin_m = i_bin - 1 i_bin_p = i_bin + 1 adj = list(zip(i_bin_m, i_bin_p)) adj = list(map(np.array, adj)) # Remove out of range elements adj[0] = np.array([adj[0][1]]) adj[-1] = np.array([adj[-1][0]]) return adj
[docs] def slice(self, start, stop, step=1): """Return a new LinearBinning containing the given variable slice Parameters ---------- start : int end : int step : int, optional The start and stop positions as used with Python slice objects. Returns ------- sliced_binning : LinearBinning A :class:`LinearBinning` consisting of the specified slice. Notes ----- This will remove any ``subbinnings`` the linear binning might have. """ bin_slice = slice(start, stop, step) # Create new binning lower = self.bin_edges[:-1][bin_slice] upper = self.bin_edges[1:][bin_slice] new_bin_edges = list(lower) + [upper[-1]] new_binning = LinearBinning( variable=self.variable, bin_edges=new_bin_edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, ) # Copy and slice values temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray()[bin_slice] new_entries = temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray()[bin_slice] new_sumw2 = temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray()[bin_slice] new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
[docs] def remove_bin_edges(self, bin_edge_indices): """Return a new LinearBinning with the given bin edges removed. The values of the bins adjacent to the removed bin edges will be summed up in the resulting larger bin. Please note that bin values are lost if the first or last binedge of a variable are removed. Parameters ---------- bin_edge_indices : lists of integers A list specifying the bin edge indices that should be removed. Notes ----- This will remove any ``subbinnings`` the linear binning might have. """ # Create new binning new_bin_edges = list(self.bin_edges) for i in sorted(bin_edge_indices, reverse=True): del new_bin_edges[i] new_binning = LinearBinning( variable=self.variable, bin_edges=new_bin_edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, ) # Copy and slice values temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray() new_entries = temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray() new_sumw2 = temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray() for i in sorted(bin_edge_indices, reverse=True): if i > 0 and i < new_values.size: new_values[i - 1] += new_values[i] new_entries[i - 1] += new_entries[i] new_sumw2[i - 1] += new_sumw2[i] if i < new_values.size: new_values = np.delete(new_values, i) new_entries = np.delete(new_entries, i) new_sumw2 = np.delete(new_sumw2, i) else: new_values = np.delete(new_values, -1) new_entries = np.delete(new_entries, -1) new_sumw2 = np.delete(new_sumw2, -1) new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "variable": self.variable, "bin_edges": self.bin_edges.tolist(), "include_upper": self.include_upper, } args.update(Binning._get_clone_kwargs(self, bins=None, **kwargs)) del args["bins"] return args def __eq__(self, other): """Linear binnings are equal if the variable and edges match.""" return ( type(self) is type(other) and self.variable == other.variable and np.all(self.bin_edges == other.bin_edges) and self.include_upper == other.include_upper and self.subbinnings == other.subbinnings ) yaml_tag = "!LinearBinning"
class _RectilinearBinProxy(_BinProxy): """Indexable class that creates bins on the fly.""" def __getitem__(self, index): """Dynamically build a RectangularBin when requested.""" tup = self.binning.get_bin_index_tuple(index) edges = tuple( (edg[j], edg[j + 1]) for edg, j in zip(self.binning.bin_edges, tup) ) data_index = self.binning.get_bin_data_index(index) args = { "variables": self.binning.variables, "edges": edges, "include_lower": not self.binning.include_upper, "include_upper": self.binning.include_upper, } if not self.binning.is_dummy(): args.update( { "value_array": self.binning.value_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], "entries_array": self.binning.entries_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], "sumw2_array": self.binning.sumw2_array[ data_index : data_index + 1 ], } ) rbin = RectangularBin(**args) return rbin
[docs]class RectilinearBinning(CartesianProductBinning): """Special case of :class:`CartesianProductBinning` only consisting of :class:`LinearBinning` Parameters ---------- variables : iterable of str bin_edges : iterable of iterable of float The variable names and bin edges for the LinearBinnings. include_upper : bool, optional Make bins include upper edges instead of lower edges. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments will be passed to :class:`CartesianProductBinning`. Attributes ---------- variables : tuple of str The variables on which the bin edges are defined. bin_edges : tuple of ndarray The bin edges defining the :class:`LinearBinning` objects. include_upper : bool Are the upper edges included in each bin? binnings : list of LinearBinning The :class:`LinearBinning` objects that make up the Cartesian product. bins : list of Bin The :class:`RectangularBin` instances. nbins : int The number of bins in the binning. bins_shape : tuple of int The sizes of the constituent binnings. data_size : int The number of elements in the data arrays. Might differ from ``nbins`` due to subbinnings. subbinnings : dict of {bin_index: Binning}, optional Subbinnings to replace certain bins. value_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the values of the bins are stored. entries_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the number of entries are stored. sumw2_array : slice of ndarray A slice of a numpy array, where the squared weights are stored. phasespace : PhaseSpace The :class:`PhaseSpace` the binning resides in. """ def __init__(self, variables, bin_edges, include_upper=False, **kwargs): self.variables = tuple(variables) self.bin_edges = tuple(np.array(edg) for edg in bin_edges) self.include_upper = bool(include_upper) binnings = [] for var, edges in zip(self.variables, self.bin_edges): binnings.append( LinearBinning(var, edges, include_upper=include_upper, dummy=True) ) kwargs["binnings"] = binnings bins = kwargs.pop("bins", None) if bins is not None: raise TypeError( "Cannot define bins of RectilinearBinning! Define bin edges instead." ) else: # Create bin proxy bins = _RectilinearBinProxy(self) CartesianProductBinning.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Replace cartesian proxy with one returning rectangular bins self.bins = bins
[docs] def get_variable_index(self, variable): """Return the index of the binning corresponding to this variable.""" if isinstance(variable, int): return variable else: return self.variables.index(variable)
[docs] def marginalize(self, binning_i, reduction_function=np.sum): """Marginalize out the given binnings and return a new RectilinearBinning. Parameters ---------- binning_i : iterable of int/str Iterable of index/variable of binning to be marginalized. reduction_function : function Use this function to marginalize out the entries over the specified variables. Must support the `axis` keyword argument. """ try: len(binning_i) except TypeError: binning_i = [binning_i] binning_i = [self.get_variable_index(i) for i in binning_i] # Create new binning new_variables = list(self.variables) new_bin_edges = list(deepcopy(self.bin_edges)) for i in sorted(binning_i, reverse=True): del new_bin_edges[i] del new_variables[i] new_binning = RectilinearBinning( variables=new_variables, bin_edges=new_bin_edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, ) # Copy and project values, from binning without subbinnings axes = tuple(sorted(binning_i)) temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes ) new_entries = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes, ) new_sumw2 = reduction_function( temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape), axis=axes ) new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
[docs] def project(self, binning_i, **kwargs): """Project the binning onto the given binnings and return a new RectilinearBinning. The order of the original binnings is preserved. If a single ``int`` is provided, the returned Binning is of the same type as the respective binning. Parameters ---------- binning_i : iterable of int/str, or int/str Iterable of index of binning to be marginalized. **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments are passed on to :meth:`marginalize`. Returns ------- RectilinearBinning or type(self.binnings[binning_i]) """ try: i = list(binning_i) except TypeError: i = [binning_i] i = [self.get_variable_index(var) for var in binning_i] # Which variables to remove rm_i = list(range(len(self.binnings))) list(map(rm_i.remove, i)) ret = self.marginalize(rm_i, **kwargs) if isinstance(binning_i, int) or isinstance(binning_i, str): return ret._unpack() else: return ret
[docs] def slice(self, slices): """Return a new RectilinearBinning containing the given variable slice Parameters ---------- slices : dict of (variable, (start, stop[, step])) The start and stop positions for the slices of all variables that should be sliced. Returns ------- sliced_binning : RectilinearBinning A :class:`RectilinearBinning` consisting of the specified slices. Notes ----- This will remove any ``subbinnings`` the binning might have. """ # Create new binning edges and slice tuple new_bin_edges = list(deepcopy(self.bin_edges)) all_slices = [] for i, (var, edges) in enumerate(zip(self.variables, self.bin_edges)): if var in slices: bin_slice = slice(*slices[var]) lower = edges[:-1][bin_slice] upper = edges[1:][bin_slice] new_bin_edges[i] = list(lower) + [upper[-1]] all_slices.append(bin_slice) else: # This variable does not have to be sliced all_slices.append(slice(None)) all_slices = tuple(all_slices) # Create new binning new_binning = RectilinearBinning( variables=self.variables, bin_edges=new_bin_edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, ) # Copy and slice values temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape)[ all_slices ] new_entries = temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray( shape=temp_binning.bins_shape )[all_slices] new_sumw2 = temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape)[ all_slices ] new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
[docs] def remove_bin_edges(self, bin_edge_indices): """Return a new RectilinearBinning with the given bin edges removed. The values of the bins adjacent to the removed bin edges will be summed up in the resulting larger bin. Please note that bin values are lost if the first or last binedge of a variable are removed. Parameters ---------- bin_edge_indices : dict of (variable: list of int) Lists specifying the bin edge indices that should be removed. Notes ----- This will remove any ``subbinnings`` the rectilinear binning might have. """ # Create new binning new_bin_edges = [] for var, edg in zip(self.variables, self.bin_edges): new_edg = list(edg) if var in bin_edge_indices: for i in sorted(bin_edge_indices[var], reverse=True): del new_edg[i] new_bin_edges.append(new_edg) new_binning = RectilinearBinning( variables=self.variables, bin_edges=new_bin_edges, include_upper=self.include_upper, ) # Copy and slice values temp_binning = self.marginalize_subbinnings() new_values = temp_binning.get_values_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape) new_entries = temp_binning.get_entries_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape) new_sumw2 = temp_binning.get_sumw2_as_ndarray(shape=temp_binning.bins_shape) for j, var in enumerate(self.variables): if var in bin_edge_indices: for i in sorted(bin_edge_indices[var], reverse=True): if i > 0 and i < new_values.shape[j]: lower_tuple = (slice(None),) * j + (i - 1,) + (Ellipsis,) upper_tuple = (slice(None),) * j + (i,) + (Ellipsis,) new_values[lower_tuple] += new_values[upper_tuple] new_entries[lower_tuple] += new_entries[upper_tuple] new_sumw2[lower_tuple] += new_sumw2[upper_tuple] if i < new_values.shape[j]: new_values = np.delete(new_values, i, axis=j) new_entries = np.delete(new_entries, i, axis=j) new_sumw2 = np.delete(new_sumw2, i, axis=j) else: new_values = np.delete(new_values, -1, axis=j) new_entries = np.delete(new_entries, -1, axis=j) new_sumw2 = np.delete(new_sumw2, -1, axis=j) new_binning.set_values_from_ndarray(new_values) new_binning.set_entries_from_ndarray(new_entries) new_binning.set_sumw2_from_ndarray(new_sumw2) return new_binning
def __eq__(self, other): """RectilinearBinnings are equal if the bin edges and variables match.""" return ( type(self) is type(other) and self.variables == other.variables and all( tuple( np.array_equal(self.bin_edges[i], other.bin_edges[i]) for i in range(len(self.variables)) ) ) and self.include_upper == other.include_upper and self.subbinnings == other.subbinnings ) def _get_clone_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """Get the necessary arguments to clone this object.""" args = { "variables": list(self.variables), "bin_edges": [edg.tolist() for edg in self.bin_edges], "include_upper": self.include_upper, } args.update(Binning._get_clone_kwargs(self, bins=None, **kwargs)) del args["bins"] return args yaml_tag = "!RectilinearBinning"